1. Rezone from R-1 (single family residential) District to C-3 (general business) District: Lot 10, Taggart Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 1721 North 11th ½ Street. TABLED
2. Rezone from A-O (agricultural-open space) District to C-3 (general business) District: 3.25 acres out of Lot 6, Block 2, C.E. Hammond Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 4300 Pecan Boulevard. TABLED
B) Confirmation of members to various city advisory boards.
C) Consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for Roadway Illumination Assembly Installation.
D) Award of Contract for the Purchase of One Combination Flush/Vacuum Truck for the Streets and Drainage Department of Public Works.
E) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the County of Hidalgo for the 2014 South Texas Hurricane and Mass Fatality Conference.
F) Consideration and Authorization to remove 4th Quarter FY 2011-2012 Uncollectible Sanitation Accounts from the General Ledger.
G) Consideration approval of Change Order No. 8 and Final Reconciliation of Quantities for Bentsen Road Drainage Improvements from Pecan Blvd. (FM 495) to 3 Mile Line Road.
1. Rezone from R-1 (single family residential) District to C-3 (general business) District: Lot 10, Taggart Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 1721 North 11th ½ Street. TABLED
2. Rezone from A-O (agricultural-open space) District to C-3 (general business) District: 3.25 acres out of Lot 6, Block 2, C.E. Hammond Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 4300 Pecan Boulevard. TABLED
B) Confirmation of members to various city advisory boards.
C) Consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for Roadway Illumination Assembly Installation.
D) Award of Contract for the Purchase of One Combination Flush/Vacuum Truck for the Streets and Drainage Department of Public Works.
E) Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the County of Hidalgo for the 2014 South Texas Hurricane and Mass Fatality Conference.
F) Consideration and Authorization to remove 4th Quarter FY 2011-2012 Uncollectible Sanitation Accounts from the General Ledger.
G) Consideration approval of Change Order No. 8 and Final Reconciliation of Quantities for Bentsen Road Drainage Improvements from Pecan Blvd. (FM 495) to 3 Mile Line Road.